Cuir Mariné

140801 - cap gris nez

Cap Blanc Nez - 180° - Cap Gris Nez

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140801 - cap gris nez

Manteau Verte

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La Côte d'Opale

140801 - cap gris nez

Cap Blanc Nez au Fond

140801 - cap gris nez
140801 - cap gris nez

Once a Piece of Wood

140801 - cap gris nez

D191 - Route du Cap - Audinghen - Shrimpers

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140801 - audinghen

Porcupine Caterpillar

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D191 - Route du Cap

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140801 - audinghen
140801 - audinghen

Atlantik Wall - Audinghen - Batterie Todt - Le Jardin d' Estival

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Atlantik Wall - Audinghen - Batterie Todt - R.A.F. - Vest as Escape Cord

As explained:
In the event of a crash or forced landing, the pilot would be taken prisoner.
In his cell, the vest could be unravelled and used as a cord for a one- or two- floor descent

140801 - batterie todt

Atlantik Wall - Audinghen - Batterie Todt - Aviator's Life Jacket

140801 - batterie todt audinghen

Atlantik Wall - Audinghen - Batterie Todt - Le Canon Leopold

                                                           canon leopold - youtube

picture commando toys

The Germans had always loved big guns. During WWI the famous German armament manufacturer, Krupp, had built a  huge howitzer (a gun with a relatively short length for the diameter of its barrel) with the nickname "Big Bertha." It could toss a 16 ½ inch diameter, 1800 pound, shell almost eight miles. Krupp also built the so-called "Paris Gun" which was used to shell the city from March to August of 1918. While the Paris gun had a relatively small shell - about 9 ½ inches wide and weighing 210 pounds - its immense 92-foot-long barrel could send its payload a staggering 81 miles.
Given their earlier experience, Krupp was tasked by the German military in 1934 with the job of developing another enormous gun. This one was to be mounted on a railcar and had a barrel just over 70 feet in length. The gun was to be able to handle shells weighing 560 pounds and send them a distance of 40 miles. Krupp would build 25 of these monsters which were designated with the model name "K5-E."
They were first employed during WWII along the coast of France to harass shipping along the English Channel. With their range, the guns stationed at Calais, France, could also hit targets in Dover, England. Using special rocket-assisted projectiles to increase the range, the Germans could even target London.
When the battle at Anzio started, the German commander General Albert Kesselring had "Leopold" and "Robert," two of the K5-Es, sent by rail to a town named Ciampino. This location was in the Albano hills about 19 miles from the Anzio beachhead. 

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140801 - batterie todt audinghen

Atlantik Wall - Audinghen - Batterie Todt - Pressure Holes

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140801 - batterie todt audinghen
140801 - batterie todt audinghen

Atlantik Wall - Audinghen - Batterie Todt - Coup de Projecteur Artillerie Anti-Aérienne

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Atlantik Wall - Audinghen - Batterie Todt - Czech Hedgehog

140801 - batterie todt audinghen
140801 - batterie todt audinghen

Atlantik Wall - Audinghen - Batterie Todt - Béton Nitrique

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140801 - batterie todt audinghen

Atlantik Wall - Audinghen - Batterie Todt - Photo Vissé

140801 - batterie todt audinghen

Cap Gris Nez - Sunset over La Manche - Côte d'Opale

140731 - cap gris nez

Southside Base of Cap Gris Nez' Lighthouse

140731 - cap griz nez

Must be la Côte d' Opale

dixit Édouard Lévêque, peintre , 1911

« Y a-t-il dans la nature quelque chose qui possède cette diversité de coloration sans cesse changeante ? Oui, il y a l'opale, cette pierre précieuse aux tons laiteux, qui jette tour à tour la série des éclats de vert et de rouge. Qu'à la Côte d'Azur, la Côte d'Emeraude et la Côte d'Argent vienne s'ajouter désormais la Côte d'Opale, la nôtre ! »

140731 - cap gris nez

à Vendre à Wimereux

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